Sunday, January 13, 2013

Whether You Love or Hate Resolutions, Do Something!

Acupuncture Chick – Your Expert on Chinese Medicine and All Things Health
Jessica Tatieze, Licensed Acupuncturist at Zara Clinic, LLC

The New Year is a great time to reflect on our lives and make resolutions or goals to change things we want to improve on. However, so often these resolutions are forgotten too soon without a lot of progress. I notice that many of my patients choose resolutions that are actually lifestyle changes, but if we don’t think of them as lifestyle changes, results don’t last. My hope through this event is to give you connections to great local businesses who can help give you the tools and services you need to make these lifestyle changes that we like to call ‘resolutions’.

Not big on making a traditional resolution? Here are 10 alternative options that might be right for you:

1. Make your goal a game, with yourself or include friends and family.

2. Pick one positive word/phrase/idea as a theme for you for the year.

3. Create a specific habit rather than a temporary resolution.

4. Make a list of everything you are thankful for in 2012.

5. Pick just one thing to stop doing.

6. Make a vision board or a mind map.

7. Focus on the positive. Example: Instead of saying your goal is to ‘lose weight,’ change that to ‘feel good’ and ‘get healthy’ then you can find a variety of specific things to help you meet that goal.

8. Make a list of all the things (big and small) that you’re looking forward to in 2013.

9. Write yourself a letter from your future self from January 1, 2014 telling your present self about everything you did to make 2013 your best year ever.

10. Do you find that come January each year you always have the same things on your list of resolutions? Make it your goal to never need to set the same resolution again.

If you do decide to make a goal, make sure it’s a SMART goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-Focused, and Time-Bound). And as always, no matter what goals you set, don’t forget that the importance of ‘balance’ emphasized in Chinese Medicine is just as important in all aspects of life!

Wishing you great health and happiness for 2013!

Jessica Tatieze
Licensed Acupuncturist, East Asian Medicine Practitioner
Zara Clinic Owner

1 comment:

  1. It is quite motivating for a person like me who makes commitments every year but is unable to do so because of some restrictions and time shortages but this year I have decided that I would take clinical pilates once in a months and keep myself healthy and pain free so that I can go through my routine life with care.
