Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Keep Calm, It's Ladies Night!

Acupuncture Chick – Your Expert on Chinese Medicine and All Things Health
Jessica Tatieze, Licensed Acupuncturist at Zara Clinic, LLC

Have you heard about February’s First Friday event at Zara happening this Friday, February 1st? It’s ladies’ night and we’ll be chatting it up about food, sex, and fashion. I know you’re already thinking what could be better than that, but it gets better! We have awesome gift bags for you, as well as some delish snacks and chocolate mousse cake!

Top 5 Reasons YOU Want to Come:
1.)  Connect with other like-minded women
2.)  Learn tips you can use to make yourself feel ZARA (radiant)!
3.)  Give yourself the break you deserve from your regular ‘ole Friday nights.
4.)  A chance to win 3 GREAT raffle prizes just for showing up.
5.)  Discounts on products and services at Zara Clinic.

Come for the whole night or stop by when you can! We will take a short break between each topic.

Acupuncturist Jessica Tatieze and fashion expert Meagan Moznette will give you the run down on the following topics:
7-7:30 pm Mingle and enjoy food & drinks
7:30-8 pm Chinese Medicine Nutrition- Food Energetics & Eating for your Element
8-8:30 pm How to dress for your body type
8:30-9 pm Sex- Chinese Medicine Theories for Common Complaints

Can’t wait to see all of you!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Get ready to be "In the Know!"

Acupuncture Chick – Your Expert on Chinese Medicine and All Things Health
Jessica Tatieze, Licensed Acupuncturist at Zara Clinic, LLC

Is anyone else shocked that it’s actually 2013? I mean seriously, where does the time go! And here we are nearing the end of January, so it’s time for even procrastinators like me to get on the ball and figure out my resolutions—for Zara Clinic that is. As I talked about in my last blog post, I don’t believe everyone has to have a resolution, but I do think a brand new year is a great time to reflect and have intention about certain goals and directions we want to go in for 2013.

Of course as any good business owner should (right?! J), I have made specific goals and plans for the business side of Zara Clinic in 2013. But when it comes to an overall goal for Zara Clinic and our patients, I am excited to announce “Project In the Know.” What does this mean? It means that we want everyone in our community to KNOW about Chinese Medicine and what it can do for them. Whether or not they seek treatment or decide if it’s for them or not—that is up to them! At Zara, we have found a passion in education- we love sharing Chinese Medicine, health, fitness, lifestyle, and inspiration with people that they can use in their daily lives to improve their wellbeing. There are so many ways this applies, and I’ll explain a few of them as we go here. The reason this is so important to me is because I have come to realize that even though acupuncture and Chinese Medicine have become more and more popular in the US over the years, and even though our area is saturated with practitioners, there are still SO MANY people who could benefit from it if they only knew more about it.

I personally have a passion for educating people—I’m thinking it could have something to do with the long line of teachers in my family, including both of my parents! But more than that, when reflecting on the last year I realized how many of my patients come in and say things like “I wish I had known this would help my back pain 3 years ago when it first started,” or “I didn’t know my insurance covered acupuncture. I always assumed I couldn’t afford anything like that to help reduce my stress and neck tension,” or “I wish I had known how thin the needles were and that acupuncture doesn’t hurt. I have a fear of needles and that kept me from trying it sooner.” I cringe whenever I hear patients say things like this because I just think “Why?! Why don’t people know!” Well, wondering won’t get us anywhere, so I have decided to take action!

Now that’s great that I want people be educated about Chinese Medicine and know how acupuncture can help them, but HOW will we do this. Well first let me say that education does not have to be boring, and here are some of the super fun and easy ways we plan to bring education to the Vancouver area. If any of them intrigue you, join in, or if you know someone who would enjoy these, let them know about it!

First Friday Educational Events at Zara: These are probably my favorite because they are so fun! The first Friday of every month Zara Clinic will host an open house with snacks, drinks, and guest speakers. It won’t always be information about Chinese Medicine, but it will always be something fun that will help you make your life even more radiant! Keep your eyes out on Facebook and our website to see the upcoming events!

Informational Presentations/Demonstration Treatments: We will volunteer our time at local events and businesses to offer FREE demo treatments as well as informative presentations about health and wellness. We hope this will be a great experience for people in our community to try acupuncture, ask questions, and learn more. Anyone interested in having us at an event or your business, just call or e-mail us!

Monthly Newsletter: We are starting a monthly newsletter—who doesn’t have one right? We get tons of them in our inbox come the beginning of the month, and I find that some are useful and some not so much. Well we promise ours will have great information, and this is one way we can get great information straight to you. Plus, ours will come in the middle of the month when you aren’t slammed with so many! J Sign up for our newsletter here, and spread the word to your friends!

Blog/Social Media Posts: For any of you already following Zara Clinic on our blog or social media, thank you!! To help us fulfill our Project In the Know resolution, we’ll be even more focused on giving you only the best info on our social media pages, and we’ll be ramping up our efforts here on the blog. Oh and for all you Facebook followers, I am bring Thursday Q&A over to our page, so send us any questions you have about acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and we will answer one each Thursday!

So watch out world, everyone (well at least everyone in the Vancouver area) will know more about acupuncture and wellness by the time 2014 rolls around! (2014…doesn’t that sounds incredibly strange?! It will be here before we know it!)

Looking forward to getting YOU ‘In the Know’ very soon!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Whether You Love or Hate Resolutions, Do Something!

Acupuncture Chick – Your Expert on Chinese Medicine and All Things Health
Jessica Tatieze, Licensed Acupuncturist at Zara Clinic, LLC

The New Year is a great time to reflect on our lives and make resolutions or goals to change things we want to improve on. However, so often these resolutions are forgotten too soon without a lot of progress. I notice that many of my patients choose resolutions that are actually lifestyle changes, but if we don’t think of them as lifestyle changes, results don’t last. My hope through this event is to give you connections to great local businesses who can help give you the tools and services you need to make these lifestyle changes that we like to call ‘resolutions’.

Not big on making a traditional resolution? Here are 10 alternative options that might be right for you:

1. Make your goal a game, with yourself or include friends and family.

2. Pick one positive word/phrase/idea as a theme for you for the year.

3. Create a specific habit rather than a temporary resolution.

4. Make a list of everything you are thankful for in 2012.

5. Pick just one thing to stop doing.

6. Make a vision board or a mind map.

7. Focus on the positive. Example: Instead of saying your goal is to ‘lose weight,’ change that to ‘feel good’ and ‘get healthy’ then you can find a variety of specific things to help you meet that goal.

8. Make a list of all the things (big and small) that you’re looking forward to in 2013.

9. Write yourself a letter from your future self from January 1, 2014 telling your present self about everything you did to make 2013 your best year ever.

10. Do you find that come January each year you always have the same things on your list of resolutions? Make it your goal to never need to set the same resolution again.

If you do decide to make a goal, make sure it’s a SMART goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-Focused, and Time-Bound). And as always, no matter what goals you set, don’t forget that the importance of ‘balance’ emphasized in Chinese Medicine is just as important in all aspects of life!

Wishing you great health and happiness for 2013!

Jessica Tatieze
Licensed Acupuncturist, East Asian Medicine Practitioner
Zara Clinic Owner