Thursday, August 30, 2012

Journey to Meditation

Acupuncture Chick – Your Expert on Chinese Medicine and All Things Health
Jessica Tatieze, LAc

Awwww, meditation. Those who do it love it; those who don’t do it think it’s some weird woowoo stuff. But as a gal who used to fear it due to a lack of understanding it, I can tell you first hand that you can learn to love it and it can be a vital part of your daily life. When I began as a student at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (OCOM), I noticed I had to take a class called Qigong. I thought this will be fun, I’m awesome at learning new things so I’m sure I’ll be great at it. J Then I looked up what it was and I realized it’s a form of meditation which means I would be expected to ‘still my mind.’ Now this was scary stuff because being the type of person who was constantly thinking, the idea of actually trying to stop thinking sounded ridiculous. Fortunately, what I learned in that first Qigong class from Roger Lore was that there are many different forms of meditation, including practices with movement, visualization, and auditory guidance.

The most ironic part of my fear of meditation was that I found out that I had actually used meditation quite a bit in the past. When I started middle school sports, my mom taught me something she had used as a gymnast – visualization. Every night as I fell asleep and before every game I would relax, focus, and visualize every skill and play I needed to know and do. I once told a group of younger athletes that I would have felt completely unfocused and scared to step onto the court for any sport without doing my visualization, and I believe that my athletic efforts would have turned out differently without that routine. While this wasn't exactly a practice of 'stilling my mind,' it was a good start.

Realizing that I actually had experience in meditation may have given me confidence, but it didn’t change the fact that I had a mind that liked to go go go with so many ideas! I found that I did better with guided meditation, so that was a great bridge as I headed toward other forms. My second year at OCOM my Qigong class was led by world renowned Qigong master, Master Liu He. While she completely amazed me and I enjoyed my time in class, I still wasn’t in love with meditation and it was hard to turn my brain off knowing that the next class I went to that day expected me to have a zillion things memorized for a test! But I kept going to class, kept learning One Thousand Hands Buddha, and gradually my mind became more and more still.

I also found it amazing that the relaxation my body could feel through meditation was unlike anything else, as if what I thought was relaxed before actually wasn’t! This relaxation and mind stillness that I started to love, this was mediation! I was doing it, and it was really AWESOME! It turns out, I get much better and clearer ideas in this stillness than when my brain is spinning so fast with thoughts…who would’ve thought?! Now days I often recommend meditation to patients, and I try not to giggle when a majority of them say, “Oh I tried it and I can’t do it, my mind races too fast.” I tell them to keep at it because over time even the most zooming of minds can learn to be still—I know from experience!

Please, if you haven’t tried some form of meditation, do! I promise you will learn to love it too, and it can do amazing things for your health and your life! Need help getting started, just e-mail me and I can point you in the right direction!
“Meditation is painful in the beginning but it bestows immortal Bliss and supreme joy in the end.” Swami Sivananda

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thursday Q&A: Sweet Tooth

Acupuncture Chick – Your Expert on Chinese Medicine and All Things Health
Jessica Tatieze, LAc

Yum, I’m sitting here dreaming of brownies, cupcakes, cookies….wait how could that be when this is supposed to be a blog about health?! Being prone to a sweet tooth myself, I could definitely appreciate today’s question that came in for the Thursday Q&A. I come from a long line of sugar lovers, and have learned from a young age that the only way to avoid it is to not have it in the house at all. If I have a yummy sweet treat in my cupboard, I HAVE to eat it until it’s gone! Not having many sweets in the house works because very rarely (unless very hormone driven) will I actually make a special trip to get a sweet treat. I would never deprive myself of sweets completely, but keeping healthy snacks front and center and the sweets limited helps! I never thought much more about having a sweet tooth until I studied Chinese Medicine, and was amazed that my addiction to sweets was attached to other complaints I had and all tied together in the Earth element.

Check out today’s Q&A:
Q: I eat fairly healthy, but my main issue is that I have such a sweet tooth that I can’t stick to my healthy eating diet. Is there something you [Chinese Medicine] can do for that?
A: In Chinese Medicine the Spleen energy is in control of the sweet tooth. The relationship between the ‘Five Elements’ in Chinese Medicine is one way we can look at the craving of sweets relating to the Spleen. The Earth element is related to the Spleen and Stomach, and the ‘taste’ of this element is sweet. The Earth-type person (or a person who is out of balance with a Spleen energy deficiency) may notice that besides craving sweets they also tend to worry, have digestive upset or gas and bloating, loose stools, are easily overwhelmed, carry extra water weight or ‘dampness’, and their body has a heaviness feeling with low energy or fatigue. If you have noticed it even more lately, it’s no surprise! The season of the Earth element is “Indian Summer,” which is right now! This season is in late August when the days are hotter and damper with humidity.

Here is more about the Earth element from
Meridians: Stomach/Spleen
Someone with well developed Earth energy is a well grounded, nurturing, compassionate person, sometimes depicted as the archtypical “earth mother”.  Earth people like to bring others together and make good mediators or peacemakers and reliable friends. They often enjoy both preparing food and eating. You may be attracted by their generous mouth and full, sensuous lips. 
Earth Imbalance
When people have weak Earth Qi, they can be worriers and meddlers. They are prone to pensiveness. They may overwork, especially in studying or other intellectual work. They are vulnerable to digestive problems and diarrhea. They may gain weight easily and lose it with difficulty. Their bodies have a tendency to make excessive mucus, and they may suffer from cloudy thinking, muzzy-headedness, and a lack of clarity.

Those with weak Earth Qi often feel better when they limit cold, raw foods and dairy products. They should eat warming foods and grains to stay well grounded. They may crave sweets. The sweet taste can be satisfied by eating sweet grains, vegetables, and fruits rather than processed sugars.

Common illnesses include: fatigue, diarrhea, gas & bloating, food allergies & sensitivities, eating disorders, heartburn, and canker sores.  Excessive mucus may collect in the lungs or in the sinuses. In women, menstrual problems may include either excessively light or heavy periods.

The Qi of the earth element flourishes in Indian Summer, those golden moments of fullness before the waning of the light. The earth color is yellow, like the sun, and the ripened crops, and the root vegetables. Sitting meditation is said to strengthen the earth element. 
I love the reminder that nature’s candy (AKA fruit) can be just as sweet and satisfying! And of course, as with anything, it’s always about balance and moderation! I leave you with this, “Chocolate is like medicine – but as with medicine, the key is the proper dose. Don’t overdo it.”

Introducing...Drum Roll Please...My Brand New Blog!

Acupuncture Chick – Your Expert on Chinese Medicine and All Things Health
Jessica Tatieze, LAc

Welcome to my brand spanking new blog! I’m going to be sharing with you anything and everything you want to know about acupuncture! Not into acupuncture? Well I will force you to like it! Just kidding! But there will be something for everyone, including health, lifestyle, inspirational stories, beauty, and everyone’s favorite- Q&A! Have a question for me, or a certain topic you’re interested in? Just e-mail me at

Picking one topic for the very first blog post is a lot of pressure! It has to be great right?! With so many great topics I can’t wait to tell you about, I just can’t pick one that’s better than the rest. So instead, I’ll give you the inside scoop on me. How about a little 20 questions? Enjoy!

1.) Do you always smile for pictures? Yes I do! I would be a horrible model because I can’t do any good ‘serious’ faces.
2.) What is your favorite food? Pizza! And ice cream is right up there too! (In moderation of course!)
3.) What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Old School, Wedding Crashers, The Hangover
4.) Were you a boy/girl scout? No, but I was a Campfire Kid, so very similar! I still have my vest with all my patches on it. J
5.) Ever gotten a speeding ticket? No…knock on wood!
6.) Ever ran out of gas? Only once…about a block away from the gas station on my way to high school prom. I wasn’t driving, and it should have been a hint that the driver wasn’t great boyfriend material! ;)
7.) How many languages can you speak? Only English. I wish I knew more! I took Spanish in high school and my husband’s first language is French…but I can’t speak either of those, can only understand a little!
8.) Do you sing in the car? Of course! Are there people who don’t?
9.) Do you think musicals are cheesy? Absolutely not! I love them, and have a huge cheesy smile through the whole show.
10.) Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? A teacher and then later I wanted to be an orthodontist.
11.) Ever won a spelling bee? Absolutely not! I’m not good at spelling- luckily spell check was invented!
12.) Ever won a contest? Once I won an art contest for a billboard that was put up in my hometown. I’m not good at art, but the prize was a large gift certificate to the local milkshake place so I was extra motivated!
13.) Most hated chore on the household chore list? All of them!
14.) What is the funniest prank played on you or played by you? With the help of my volleyball teammates, we prank called someone from a team we played and interviewed her for what we said was an article for the local paper. We even asked for her opinion of our team. It was very entertaining!
15.) Do you believe everything happens for a reason? YES!
16.) If you could start your own restaurant, what would it be? All deserts, mostly chocolate! Yum!
17.) What do you think the secret to a good life is? Believe you can accomplish anything, but appreciate where you are at and what you have right now!
18.) Do you still watch cartoons? Yes, I have a 17 month old so we watch some Sesame Street and Sid the Science Kid.
19.) What do you drink with dinner? Water or milk
20.) What is the most important thing to you? My family!