Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Health on the Job

Acupuncture Chick – Your Expert on Chinese Medicine and All Things Health
Jessica Tatieze, LAc

When it comes to health, my sister Marcy and I tend to know more than our husbands. After all, we work in a wellness clinic while neither of them work in the health field. We’re always bossing them around about what they should or shouldn’t do when it comes to all things health. So you can imagine our surprise when one of them mentioned their stretch routine at work, and the other said they actually lead stretches for their coworkers every morning! Who would have thought, a great idea that we actually did not give them! J I often recommend this to patients with pain, but it is even better if you can use stretching throughout the work day to prevent injuries and pain before they happen.

Here are just a few benefits of stretching:
Reduce muscle tension
Improve circulation
Reduce anxiety, stress, and fatigue
Improve mental alertness
Decrease risk of injury

There are many ways you can get moving and prevent injuries in the workplace, and your needs may vary depending on the type of job you have. Check out a few basic stretches for the workplace here:
Stretching is something so simple, but just taking a small amount of time to do it can make a huge difference to your workday and your health. Try it for yourself and I bet besides preventing pain and injury, you will find you are much more efficient and focused in your work.

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